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Established in the spring of 2010, we are breeders of registered Katahdin and the amazing Australian White meat sheep. We offer for sale registered Katahdin rams, Katahdin ewe lambs along with Australian White rams and ewes as well. All of which come from a genetically sound and healthy flock. If you are looking to increase your pounds of lambs sold next year, adding a well-muscled ram with aggressive weight gains could be a key factor. Remember the ram is responsible for half of your lamb crop. We invite you to come by the farm or visit this site and take a closer look at our lambs. Our stock works well for the registered sheep breeders and commercial breeders as well. Check out the site and visit often!

We are located in south central Kentucky, visits to our farm are always welcome. Whether you are looking for replacement seed stock or starting new with meat producing sheep, Kentucky is a great place to find the stock you are looking for. Stablerock keeps very accurate production and health records on all our animals. We always keep integrity and progress in the forefront of its operation. We appreciate everyone who bought from us in the past and contact us early if you are interested in registered Katahdin or Australian white lambs!